What are Rain Barrels and Why Use Them?

Rain barrels can be used to save water for plants during dry periods. They can also be arranged to slowly release the collected rain fall to areas that can soak up the water, reducing stormwater runoff and increasing groundwater recharge. The good news is that rain barrels are inexpensive, easy to install and easy to operate and maintain. Ready-made rain barrels can be purchased from local suppliers or on-line.
To Keep Garden Produce Safe, How Should I Use the Water Collected in the Rain Barrel?
As the water collected in the rain barrel is coming off a roof, into gutters and down downspouts, it is not considered to be “drinkable” or potable water. Remember, birds and animals are also on the roof. So, water from the roof can contain bacteria and other disease-causing organisms from bird and other animal waste that might be on the roof. How you use this water in your garden and the type of plants you use it on is an important consideration. Rain barrel water is fine if used to water non- edible plants – like flowers or lawns.
But Can I Use the Water In My Vegetable Garden ?
Yes, but only in the same way that other nonpotable water is used. Avoid using overhead irrigation.It is best to use this water for drip or trickle irrigation This prevents contamination of edible above the ground plant parts that are hard to clean, especially leafy greens. However, the vegetable is not safe to eat unless it is thoroughly washed using “drinkable” water first. Rain barrel water should not be used close to harvest time to water the vegetable garden and should NEVER be used to wash fruits or vegetables from the garden or orchard prior to consumption. (URI.edu)
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